cat:Past events

The Venice Glass Week HUB 2019

The Venice Glass Week HUB 2019

The Venice Glass Week HUB hosted a series of installations in the two venues of the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti at Palazzo Loredan and Palazzo Franchetti, in Campo Santo Stefano, Venice.

The HUB has been curated by Rosa Barovier Mentasti and realized incollaboration with the company Green Spin and students from theCuratorial Practice course of IED Venezia, one of the official partners of the festival.



The heart of the event is the HUB, which take place in Campo Santo Stefano, between Palazzo Loredan and Palazzo Franchetti. Here 20 projects were hosted, selected by the scientific committee from the hundreds of proposals submitted. These are projects specifically designed for the glass week and will compete to win first place. One of the novelties of the 2019 edition is in fact the "Bonhams Prize for The Venice Glass Week", which assigned to the creation judged as best by the jury a cash prize of 1,000 euros. The prize goes alongside "Glass in Venice", which will be awarded this year to Massimo Micheluzzi and Simone Cenedese .

The Jury composed of J ean Blanchaert (curator and member of the Scientific Committee of The Venice Glass Week), Giovanna Palandri (Chancellor of the IVSLA and President of the Organizing Committee of The Venice Glass Week) and Dan Tolson (International Director of the Department of Decorative Arts of '900 and Design by Bonhams, New York) also awarded two Special Awards to as many projects evaluated as particularly emblematic of the spirit of the festival: Isolani di Róisín de Buitléar and Autonoma.

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Venice Glass Week 2019
Venice Glass Week 2019

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