
Massimo Micheluzzi

Massimo Micheluzzi

Massimo Micheluzzi was born in Venice on June 20, 1957, he studied History of Art at the University of Ca 'Foscari.
Then for many years he worked in the family antiques gallery.

The first contact with the world of glass was born by attending from a very young age the Venini family, owner of the famous Murano factory and by chance the first job in contact with glass was as a photographer in the late 70s: the opportunity to do photographic cataloging of all the objects preserved in the Venini deposits. An experience that will prove to be contagious.
A direct contact with fifty years of history of contemporary glass of excellence.
Then various and recurring opportunities and some extraordinary collaborations with various prestigious glassmakers push him to seek the direct and "manual" experience of glass processing in contact with the material, even before tackling a real personal project.
This approach is seen as strictly indispensable in order to then be able to draw, plan and create one's own works, always taking advantage of the manual and artistic skills of the master, and then directly intervening in the final finishing phase of each work.
The best works were born from the long collaboration with the master Andrea Zilio at the Anfora furnace. Micheluzzi's research is made on designs that are natural to glass, which tend not to force it, but to follow it in its fluidity and in its particular nature, giving life to simple and essential shapes.
Then personally carrying out the finishing of the surfaces in the mill "cold", the work finds its most personal touch.
His studio is in Venice.

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1 comentario

tracy lanciault

tracy lanciault

I’m looking to get a piece for my husband. He already has 6 or your works of art. I hope to complete his collection. He always worked with Kararina. Is she still working for you?
Tracy Lanciault

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