cat:Unfold Venice

In Glass We Trust

In Glass We Trust

We have recently met again Igor Balbi and had a few words with the maestro about his new project: a contemporary art glass exhibition. Here's what we have learned.


In Glass we trust is a scream, a manifesto against the recent drifts that are carrying outside Murano and Venice glass with its precious heritage made up of history, ancient techniques, craftmanship.

It’s also a warning for glass lovers and Venetians, a meeting of exceptional artists, a spontaneous cultural movement , a collective resulting from a free association and instinctive momentum. It’s the great Venetian originality that shows itself, with no filters, no frills, no superfluous elements of institutions: seven of the best artists and virtuosos working with Murano glass, gather and show their incredible creations.

In Glass we Trust is not just an exhibition, and it doesn’t take place in a common gallery; it’s a statement of purity of intent for those who have been raised in Venice and worked in the glass furnace, for those who have the ambition to protect their roots, and for those who use Murano glass to give shape to extremely beautiful artworks.

Igor Balbi , Lucio Bubacco , Alessandro Casson , Vittorio Costantini , Simone Crestani , Andrea Morucchio , Davide Salvadore are their names. All of them have met glass at a very early age and glass has later become their choice and their life. Vittorio Costantini Masters and disciples, tradition and innovation, human and artistic expression have been combined to achieve a genuine event about glass, show its life, its richness and infinite potential in spite of the distorted commercial dynamics that make the law in Venice.

Seven artists, seven stories, seven techniques and styles, gathered to represent a portion of the enormous variety and beauty of Murano glass : from conceptual and symbolic compositions by Andrea Morucchio, to small delicate and seductive artworks by Lucio Bubacco, to the elegance and refinement of Simone Crestani. The ethnic and sometimes tribal creations of Davide Salvadore cohexist in a perfect balance of colour, light, shapes with Alessandro Casson’s sculptures which evoke natural and abstract forms .

Igor Balbi’s production combines sophisticated techniques with classic shapes, highlighting the chromatic scale. Finally, the meticulous realism of Vittorio Costantini, introduces the visitor to a silent microcosm of animals, resulting from long observations, studies and long working sessions in the studio.

In glass we trust will take place from 4 th May to 22 nd November 2015 at Balbi Art Glass Gallery , Campo Santa Maria Mater Domini, Santa Croce 2178/a, Venice – Italy.

Official website:

Facebook Page:

Igor Balbi

Simone Crestani

Andrea Morucchio Lucio Bubacco

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