
Service of authentification at the

Service of authentification at the

Our site exists since 1997.
In all these years we have been contacted by hundreds of users from all over the world who wanted to have our opinion on the authenticity of all kinds of glass objects.

Sometimes they had inherited them, sometimes they were considering whether to buy them, sometimes for simple curiosity.
We consider it a real privilege to have put our experience to their service to give an opinion.
It was a very expensive job, but all in all we did it in our own interest. How much money is transacted each year to buy counterfeit products? If this money were really spent on the market of our small industrious island it would make a huge difference and probably we would never be in crisis, as often happens.
We find it correct that those who are passionate about this millenary tradition be defended by scams, sometimes even involuntarily perpetrated. In fact, many sellers are really convinced that they are selling items from Murano, when in reality they are not in any way.
Today we finally have an official website managed by public bodies that provide this type of service.
We are therefore pleased to advise you to contact the site
Unfortunately, as far as I can see, not all banners have been translated. The one to click on is this:


Unfortunately there is still the limitation that through this service it is possible to trace only objects marked and that have been produced only in 2002. Therefore, we cannot yet exclude that the object that you are considering, without a label, has not been made in Murano.
Therefore, before contacting us please read our two posts:




The Murano Glass Aquarium World
What is Murano? The Complete Guide to Murano Glass

