
Giovanni Moretti

Giovanni Moretti

Born in 1940 in Murano, he lived in Venice with his wife Maria Roberta Rinaldi until his premature death in 2014.

After completing his commercial studies, he joined his brother Carlo in the constitution of Carlo Moretti, creatively contributing

to its development and evolution over the years.

Within the company he was particularly concerned with the brand image, marketing and external relations but - at the same time - increasingly collaborating in an original and personal way to the design of new products and their presentation.

Since the death of brother Carlo, Giovanni took control of the company, introducing a new design language and pushing it into new areas.

Always engaged in enhancing the specificity of Murano glass in an elevated and highly-qualified framework of confrontation – he was President of the Consorzio Venezia Vetro (1989-1994), promoter of the mark of origin “Vetri Murano” and of the Museum of contemporary glass in Murano (1985-86), and then of the showroom MuranoCollezioni with Venini and Barovier&Toso – he was member of the Council of the Chamber of Commerce of Venice since 2010 and of the Council of Confindustria Venice.


Oscar Zanetti (Jr)
Oscar Zanetti (Jr)

