cat:Past events

Venice Fashion Night 2015

Venice Fashion Night 2015

Saturday, October 24 Venice becomes the capital of fashion with the Venice Fashion Night. A night where fashion is protagonist with events, photo shooting sessions, limited edition collections: live on Instagram.

The purpose? Promoting Venetian creativity and products made in the Veneto region, with stylists, designers, bloggers, and instagramers.

Photo by Marco Valmarana @marcovalmarana. Dresses Pot Pourri

Organised by “Venezia da Vivere”, the Venice Fashion Night reaches its third year after the success of the two previous years that have involved more than 20,000 people in more that 41 different events held in different locations of the town, including boutiques, studios, hotels and workshops.

It will be a fashion walk amongst the new Fall/Winter collections from the Venetian boutiques, little known – but gorgeous - locations, emerging brands, limited edition clothes. And everything will be captured live by instagramers of the Veneto region.

Entrepreneurs, managers, fashion designers, artisans, researchers, journalists will meet in the morning of 24th October at Hotel Monaco conference hall. The subject? The promotion of the Made in Veneto and the role of digital media in telling the culture of craftmanship and creativity; the basis of the Italian product quality.

Photo by Massimiliano Barbuni @massimilianobarbuni. TurbansRaptus and Rose

Cocktails and good Italian wines, open-air performances, exhibitions, and DJ sets around the town will keep Venice awake until late in the night. It’s a new and captivating way to discover young fashion artists, the Venetian luxury design scene, or the latest proposals of creative craftsmanship.

The opening of the third Venice Fashion Night will be held at the Londra Palace Hotel at Riva degli Schiavoni, Venice.

If you are in Venice you shouldn’t miss it!

For more information just check Venezia da Vivere dedicated website here:


We have visited "Glass Delights": see the photos
We have visited "Glass Delights": see the photos

