cat:Unfold Venice

Murano Prize 2014

The Scuola Abate Zanetti is sponsoring also this year the Murano Prize, a Venetian historic event that honors the art of Murano glass.

The award, back in 2012 after a 21 years hiatus, is organized to enrich the artistic tradition of Murano glass and its experimentation, to provide a meeting point for contemporary art, to rise Murano glass awareness.


It also opens an important window on the future involving all the schools of Murano island with the Murano Prize Junior.

Premio_Murano_ed_2013_2 In the previous editions, next to the canonical Award, 33 Vip works out of competition were added.

These amazing masterpieces have been made directly on site upon design of prestigious international artists including the London designer Vivienne Westwood, Italian actor Alessandro Gassman, DJ Albertino, the eclectic designer Larisa Katz, the Italian rugby player Martin Castrogiovanni, the Foundation Resonnance pianist Elizabeth Sombart and Nobel Prize Dario Fo, to name a few.

The 2012 and 2013 exhibitions connected to the Prize, both excedeed the number of 5000 visitors, a sign of high interest in Murano glass and its incredible legacy.

To register and know more click here:


The rosebud legend
The rosebud legend

