
Miroslav Hrstka

Born in 1933, died in 1983.

Pupil of Libensky at the Prague school of Decorative Arts, he became a designer at the Borske Sklo glasswork and worked in Murano for Venini & Co. In 1968 he participated in the XXXIV Venice Biennale.


Oscar Kokoschka

1 コメント

Wulf Weber

Wulf Weber

good day

I am in possession of a mirror object by Miroslav Hrstka, which I bought in a gallery in Prague. Probably the artwork is at least 60-70 years old and unfortunately I have not yet found a gallery that deals with artworks by Miroslav Hrstka. I know from acquaintances that artworks by Hrstka are very popular among collectors especially in Cechoslovakia. Maybe you have an idea where I could sell my artwork, because Miroslav Hrstka was active in Murano for a while. I thank you in advance for your efforts and remain with kind regards

Wulf Weber

