
Enzo Scarpa

Enzo Scarpa

In the late 1960s an exclusive relationship developed between Pauly & C. , C.V.M. and Enzo Scarpa.

Professor Enzo Scarpa was a painter and a designer who would be resposable for the revival of historical designs with a modern twist ans of glass scupltures that would succesfully characterise the Pauly company's production.

In the 1980s, based on a design by Enzo Scarpa, the "gondola" was created and would come to represent Pauly & C. - C.V.M. around the world.

Tha association with Enzo Scarpa lasted thirty years, until the professor retired in the 1990s.
Enzo died in 2007.


Reno Bardella
Reno Bardella

