cat:Books and pubblications about Murano

Venice and American Studio Glass

Venice and American Studio Glass

Publisher  : Skira (January 12, 2021)
Language  : ‎ English
Hardcover  : ‎ 368 pages
ISBN-10  : ‎8857243877
ISBN-13  : ‎978-8857243870
Item Weight  : ‎  4.98 pounds
Size: 9.6 x 1.5 x 12.3 inches


"Venice and American Studio Glass" explores the profound influence of Venetian glassmaking techniques on American studio glass from the 1960s to the present. Featuring 155 exceptional works including vases, sculptures, and installations by 60 American and Venetian artists, the exhibition highlights the enduring legacy and adaptation of Venetian glass craftsmanship in American contemporary glass art. It reflects on the "romantic relationship" that developed as American artists turned to Venice, particularly to Murano’s glassblowers, for inspiration during the industrialization of glassblowing in the U.S. in the 1960s, leading to a flamboyant renewal of this historic craft.


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