
Coffee, tea, chocolate: the best places in Venice

Coffee, tea, chocolate: the best places in Venice

If you say Venice and cafè in the same sentence, chances are the next word you’re thinking of is Florian. Or even Quadri. The two cafès, sitting one facing the other in Piazza San Marco, are like institutions that

have been attracting Venetians and visitors for centuries.

Not sure about that? Well, try it yourself: just go to Piazza San Marco and after the Basilica and the pidgeons you’ll notice that two venues are polarizing people’s attention: the two cafès, with their well-dressed waiters dodging among the tables, their orchestras, and their exclusivity.

There’s only one little problem: prices. The two cafés are quite expensive, especially if you’re going to sit outside in the Piazza. Is there a solution? Of course! In Venice there are lovely and at the same time cheap alternatives that won't disappoint you.

Here you can find 5 of them, including tea houses and cafés where you can taste delicious chocolate: they aren’t owned by big coffeehouse chains (there are some in town, but they’re mainly meant for tourists since we Italians have a completely different approach to coffee and food in general. Read more here: /) but they’re rather family run businesses. For this reason, each one offers different specialties in a cozy welcoming atmosphere. A quite incredible experience is granted.

Caffè - Coffee

Torrefazione Cannaregio, Cannaregio 1337

There are two Venetian coffee roasting companies that still exist. One is this and it’s located along the road that leads from the railway station to San Marco, shortly after the Ponte delle guglie (Bridge of the Spires). Two windows, low ceilings, established in 1930, once frequented by artists and intellectuals of the time. Come in and think immediately about Carlo Goldoni’s comedy "The Coffee Shop".

Amongst burlap sacks languidly resting on the ground and toasting aroma, at the counter you will find tourists and real Venetians who elected Torrefazione Cannareggio as a daily meeting place. The founder, Antonietta, left the shop to her daughter Emilia, who passed it down to her son Camillo. It’s him who has invented the "Café de la Sposa" (the Bride’s coffee), a mixture obtained from eight different varieties of coffee, now called "Café Remer".


Torrefazione Girani, Calle del Dose – Sest. Castello 3727



Leave the crowded Riva Schiavoni and venture towards Campo San Giovanni in Bragora. Here, in a workshop dating back to 1600, is located the other coffee roasting company of Venice.

Founded in 1928, it is family run.

Among all blends, try the Casanova: we can’t tell for its alleged aphrodisiac qualities (but let us know if it works). However, it is spectacular!

100% Arabica blend, with the aroma of a Puerto Rico Yauco Selecto and the scent of the Ethiopian Sidamo. The owners are friendly and if you have enough time, they will tell you the story of coffee from its origins to today.

Caffè del Doge, Calle dei Cinque – Sest. San Polo 609

19 Sep 2016 08:54:33

Close to Rialto Bridge - but tucked away in a small street, narrow enough to make it a place avoided by tourists - you'll recognize it by the logo: a doge profile wearing the typical red hat, the “corno”.

Founded as a small coffee-roasting house, the company has become today a small coffeehouse chain in Venice, though keeping its distinctive elements of craftsmanship.

Two mixtures are popular: Doge Rosso (100% Arabica blend from Brazil, India, Colombia and Guatemala) and Doge Nero (mixed Arabica base with an Indian Robusta, the Kaapi Royal). The coffee roasting is conducted in accordance with the founder, who had developed the Metodo Classico Veneziano (Classic Venetian Method), less strong in taste.

Tè - Tea

Ca’ Fujiyama, Calle Lunga San Barnaba – Sest. Dorsoduro

When we hear of tearooms, we imagine a small circle of English ladies wearing flamboyant pale-blue hats, sipping their cup of tea with a raised little finger.

If you thought the same, as you enter in the Ca’ Fujiyama – the only tearoom in Venice – you’ll be immediately proved wrong.8

The name refers to Japan. In fact in the two small rooms and in the garden you forget to be in Venice, catapulted among the cherry trees in bloom, oriental minimalism, peace and tranquillity.

Opened in 2004 by two Japan lovers, it has a new management since 2012. Fujiyama offers a manu with 50 tea varieties. You will also find cakes, muffins and mouth watering pastries to accompany your cup of tea. If you love green teas then try the Matcha Cappuccino.

Finally, if you like the place so much that you’ve fallen for it and don’t want to go back home, well you’ll be happy to know that Fujiyama is also a small B&B (there are 4 bedrooms upstairs).

Cioccolato - Chocolate

Viziovirtù, Calle Forneri – Sest. Castello 5988

Born in 2005, it is a small and traditional chocolate shop. The owner - Mariangela Penzo - left the small shop in the Frari area (San Tomà) to open up a larger and more decentralized one in a quiter and cozy corner.

Halfway between a bakery and an old-fashioned chocolate shop, Viziovirtù produces chocolate bars, pralines, creams, dragées, candied fruits and, of course, chocolates.

The logo is a winged lion of St. Mark in melted chocolate… You can’t say that Venetians don’t love their town!

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