
Adriano Berengo

Adriano Berengo

Adriano Berengo was born in Venice in 1947 and lives between Venice and Beirut.
The biography of Berengo contemplates a degree in Languages at Ca 'Foscari and a doctorate in Comparative Literature obtained in New York. where within a few years he reinvented himself as a publisher of glass works.

«I contact the artists whose research attracts me. Others look for me", he explains.
For thirty years, Adriano Berengo has challenged glass in his Muranese headquarters, which in addition to the furnace with three piazze an extraordinary museum with over a thousand pieces. Here, together with a team of master blowers, heirs of a tradition that resembles magic, creates special objects, true works of art.
Thanks to the Glasstress project, these works are exhibited during the Venetian art biennials.
Thus in these three decades great names from half the world, from Tony Cragg to Jaume Plensa, from the Chapman brothers to César, passed through this curious laboratory overlooking a canal, a tangle of spaces and micro-courtyards around the former abandoned furnace that he revived. And here they left fragile and precious traces of their passage.
The artists who collaborate with Berengo agree on a type of work to be created. After the study phase a limited numbered edition is produced, normally of eight pieces. One belongs to the artist, one remains in Berengo, the others go to the art market.


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