
Mirco Bastianello

Mirco Bastianello

Mrco was born in 1975, son of a Maestro Vetraio. He started working at the age of 15, not in a forge but "a lume", reproducing any kind of objects.

His love for glass was so big

that, at a certain point, producing little objects wasn't enough anymore. That's why at the age of 17 he decided he needed a change. He started working at the Archimede Seguso 's glass factory , then at the Ferro & Lazzarini 's and later he started working with his father-in-law Silvano Signoretto at Mazzuccato International .

His ability and his love towards glass making and shaping were growing more and more, so in 1999 he and Silvano Signoretto decided to open a glass factory on their own where Mirco's professional rise begun. He reproduced pieces of glass designed by himself and he also started collaborations with very important designers form all over the world: Rippoles, Koun, Marina Kotter, Vittorio Rigattieri, Philips Thiaras, Shan San Shen, Hideto, Nischimura, and many others.

In 2004 Mirco decided to leave Signoretto , knowing he could work on his own and create objects of any kind such as chandeliers, blown goblets, sculptures, and - since he's also a good designer - give life to his ideas.

As of today he works with the Maestro Andrea Tagliapietra and associated.

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1 comment

Raymond Moldenhauer

Raymond Moldenhauer

We purchased a beautiful glass sculpture that Mirco Bastianello did from the James Coleman Signature Gallery in St Augustine back in 2013….called Opposites Attract.

Is Mirco still designing Glass?

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