
Livio Serena

Livio Serena

Born on Murano in 1942, Livio Serena hails from a family immersed for centuries in the art of glass.
At the beginning of

the 16th century, one of his ancestors invented a filigreeing technique called “ritortoli,” also known in the 19th century as zanfirico . His grandfather, Luigi, and his father, Ezio, were both masters under Ulderico Moretti. In 1956, at the age of 14, Livio Serena began to work for one of the biggest glass factories at the time, the Fratelli Toso, where he remained until 1982.

From 1983 he began his collaboration with l'Anfora beside designers and artists on the international scene, creating incredible works of art.

With the Scuola Abate Zanetti of Art he has taken up a collaboration that keeps him busy with courses at various levels.

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