
Paolo Cenedese

Paolo Cenedese

Born on Murano in 1952, he is the first in his family to dedicate himself to glass arts. In fact, already as a youngster he started out as an assistant in the Murano glass factories, and after 35 years he is

still enthusiastic about his work.

After having worked for many years in the best glass working houses on the island (Barovier & Toso, Seguso, Cenedese) in 1978 he opened his artisan studio for lampwork glass in Murano. In 1999 he participated in the prestigious biennale “Venezia Aperto Vetro” (Venice Open Glass) and put on exhibition some of his works at the “Mostra del Bicchiere” (Drinking Glass Show) 2000-2001-2002 of Murano. He collaborates with some of the most important glass shops on the island and with American and European designers and artists. He teaches at the Scuola Abate Zanetti of Glass in Murano, with a focus on traditional lampworking but also developing “blown lampworking” and experimental techniques.


Simone Cenedese
Davide Penso

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